Calle Principal No.1, Villa Central, Barahona
809-524-4061 / 809-524-4023

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Central Barahona Foundation

Social arm of the Consorcio Azucarero Central (CAC). Its activities are mainly focused on education, gender equity, leadership, cultural integration, health, environment, social cohesion and the implementation of sustainable economic development programs, that impact the communities surrounding the sugarcain fields, in three provinces of the Enriquillo Region (Barahona, Bahoruco and Independencia)

Some of our projects 

Initial education schools:

Since 2010 they have 8 multigrade schools, with 25 children of 3 and 4 years old each, providing quality education to more than 200 children each year. It also provides didactic materials and school breakfast. The communities benefited so far are: Batey 3, Batey 4, Batey 5, Batey 6, Batey Isabela, Batey 8, Batey 9 y Batey Central (Las Salinas).


Ongoing program since 2015, under an agreement with MLB (Major League Baseball). Its primary purpose is to promote the sports and education. It has benefited more than 5000 young people between 10 and 18 years of age from the different communities in the region.  

Development projects:

With the help of international fonds and institutions in the region, projects are promoted which create jobs and improve the income levels families. Some of our most outstanding projects are:

  1. Bombita fish farming Project: led by the association of womens for the progress of Bombita, dedicated to the production and sale of Tilapia, which since the 2009 has improved the life quality of community members and contributed to the sustainability of the families.


  1. La Guazara Goat Project: Led by the Association of Farmers of La Guazara in progress, dedicated to the breeding and care of Saanen and Alpina goats for the production of milk, cheese and yogurt.

In addition, Central Barahona Foundation, has alliances with institutions that promote environmental conservation, agricultural production, programs for children and adolescents, entrepreneurship of men and women of the communities. All actions that promote the development of the region.


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