Publicado el 14/06/2019
Consorcio Azucarero Central participated in the large-scale drill conducted by the Cuerpo Especializado de Seguridad Portuaria (CESEP) and the company Seguridad y Desarrollo Portuario (DSP), in the Port of Barahona, in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 18 of the International Code for the Protection of Ships and Port Facilities (Código PBIP).
Juan José Camilo, Superintendent of Health, and Industrial Safety, was participating on behalf of CAC, along with the team from that department, who manage the mobile health emergency unit.
The simulation also has the objective that the companies and institutions that interact in the Port of this province are kept up to date as to how to respond to situations that may affect the development of operations in this place.
During the activity fires, strikes, accidents with organ mutilation, among other types of situations, were simulated, where the participants had to seek solutions and deal with urgent measures to preserve the lives of those affected, while maintaining the operation of the port.
CAC supports the provisions of the governing entities of the port of Barahona, while complying with the laws established for the proper development and management of this space.